Stress Management

Everyone at times experiences stress and anxiety. It is important, however, to seek help if you feel that stress and anxiety overwhelm you to the point of negatively affecting your quality of life. Long-term, chronic stress can be harmful to your physical and mental health. Among common stressors are major life events and transitions, such as marriage, pregnancy, a birth of a child, changing jobs or losing a job, experiencing losses, and many others. In addition to those major life events, routine everyday stresses, such as competitive environment at work or school, conflicts with peers and family members, financial pressures, and health concerns, also contribute to elevated stress levels. 

Why is it that people react so differently to stress-provoking events? The answer to that question is complex, as a person's response to stress depends on their core beliefs about the world, themselves and others, which directly affect their perceptions, thoughts and actions in stressful situations. The availability of social support system may also play a part. Our perception is our reality, and, therefore, it determines whether we see our daily events as a threat or as a challenge on our way to success. 

Working with a psychologist to uncover those core beliefs that guide our perception will allow you to have a better understanding of your reaction to stressful events and to develop more adaptive ways of coping. 


Staring OCD (often confused with Visual Tourettic OCD, VT-OCD)


Supervision and Consultations